Become the woman you’ve always wanted to be.

You don’t have to feel stuck, overwhelmed, ineffective. You don’t have to live by your emotions. You CAN become a spiritually stable woman ready for whatever God has planned for you.

Hi, I’m Ann Karako.

I believe that when we choose to saturate ourselves with Scripture, we are strengthened and invigorated to become the joyful, godly women we’ve always hoped to be. Scripture is THE tool God uses to change our hearts and minds so that they reflect His thoughts and His ways.

Here at you will find encouragement to become wordful — FULL of God’s Word.

Right now, in the summer of 2022, this website is brand new. It may appear somewhat sparse.

But there are big things coming! Expect verse lists, discussions of Scripture passages, videos for memorizing, verse art — everything you can think of to help you hide God’s Word in your heart and live by it, so you can be joyful and fulfilled.

How to be sure you don’t miss a thing?

Sign up now to be on the email list. Then you’ll hear about everything as it develops! Also follow Wordful Women on Instagram and Facebook.

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